Key challenges


The conservation and protection of World Heritage sites wouldn’t be possible without the financial resources to meet World Heritage needs. However, the only source of income is the World Heritage Fund, which receives most of its income from mandatory and voluntary contributions from countries (States Parties). The funding is very tight and the world heritage sites have to take the initiative in submitting applications to UNESCO, which are then approved after an examination. This makes the process of obtaining funding for the sites lengthy and inefficient.


World Heritage represents the pinnacle of creativity in human history, presenting unique cultures that have disappeared, and natural heritage has the most important and remarkable diversity of biological and natural ecological habitats. The cultural values behind them are often underutilized. TemDAO integrates blockchain technology with the culture IP, organizing DAO members for relevant project proposals and issuance, to expand the heritage to a greater influence.


The World Heritage Committee is dominated by a small number of States Parties, and Italy has used its longstanding presence on the Committee to nominate a large number of sites in the country for World Heritage status. For small countries, the preservation of World Heritage sites may face financial barriers, which can be burdensome for small countries with modest financial resources, as well as a lack of people with a deep understanding of the country's heritage values.

TemDAO will eliminate the monopoly of centralized institutions at another level, optimizing the allocation of resources and promoting cooperation and development of the heritage conservation industry and the countries in which it is located.

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